Changes to this Privacy Policy

Last Updated: June 17, 2024

We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. All changes to this policy which we deem material and which affect your personal information, are effective only after we provide you with at least thirty (30) days' notice of the changes by posting the changes here in Terms of Use and sending an e-mail to users who have provided us their e-mail address for this purpose. We provide you with thirty (30) days' notice to give you the opportunity to notify us if you do not agree to the changes we highlight to you in our e-mail notice. Our e-mails will normally remind you that you have the opportunity to inform us of your preferences, and will alert you how to inform us of your preferences by such e-mails and through this Privacy Policy. If we make any changes which have no effect upon the collection of your personal information (i.e., revisions to our access and access of third parties to your activities here on an anonymous basis only), then you will not receive an e-mail notification of the change. Such changes will become effective five (5) days after we post the revision to our Privacy Policy on this site.