Monogram Guide
Let’s Get Personal
Whether you’re giving a gift or just want something tailor-made for you, a monogram is an easy way to make anything and everything extra special. The Company Store can help you create that special gift or add a custom touch to your home. With multiple styles, fonts, and thread colors, it’s easy to create a one-of-a-kind item for gifting or your personal use. This guide will help you choose your monogram style, color, and font to create the perfect personalized items.
What Items Can Be Monogrammed?
Add a personalized touch to birthday, holiday, housewarming, or wedding gifts with a monogram, or treat yourself to customized bedding, bath linens, pajamas, or robes. Customizable items from The Company Store are identified with ‘personalize this item’ above the Add to Bag button on the product page, or with the word ‘Personalize’ beneath the item within shopping category pages. Some of the most popular items to monogram include:
Once you’ve selected your items, follow these steps to add a personalized monogram to each.
Choose Your Font
Your monogram font should match both style and personality: A flourishing font may not suit your modern decor scheme, while a block font may be better suited to kids’ spaces than a spa-like bathroom. For items personalized by The Company Store, the font you select will determine if you can personalize with a word or name or just a monogram, as well as what order the initials appear.

Monogram order can be confusing since the letters seem to appear to be out of order: Traditional monogram etiquette dictates that the woman’s name is represented first in the couple’s monogram, followed by the shared surname, then the man’s name. This won’t work for all couples, but while monograms are rooted in tradition, creating them has become more flexible over the years.
These monogram rules can help you out, but remember they are guidelines, not requirements—the beauty of the modern monogram is that it reflects your personal style.

One-Letter Monogram: When monogramming a single letter onto a gift, you would most likely use the first letter for their first or last name.

Two-Letter Monogram: A versatile two-letter monogram may represent a first and last name, two first names, a hyphenated last name, or two last names. A two-letter format could represent Lily Brody as LB, James Smith as JS, and BS for Brody Smith or Brody-Smith.

Three-Letter Monogram: Traditionally, the first letters of the first, last, and middle name are used in that order. A couples’ monogram for those who share a surname will use the last name in the middle with the initials of their first names on the left and right sides.
Choose Your Personalization Style
Monograms can be as traditional or as contemporary as you wish. While the first monograms used elaborate script and intertwined letters, modern versions include lettering in bold or more whimsical styles. Our robes, bedding, towels, and other items can be customized in four monogramming styles: One initial, two initials, three initials, and full name or word (up to 11 letters).
Make your style selection and input your initials or name in the box—you can preview various monogram options by updating your font and style settings, and the example image will update to offer a preview.

Monogram style comes down to two factors: The number of initials you wish to include, and the font you select. A traditional three-initial monogram—for adults and kids—usually includes a larger middle letter, and the initials represent First Last Middle. When displayed in a modern block style with all letters in the same size, the initials are read left to right in the order of the name. Block style is more common for personal monograms, rather than as a couple’s monogram.
The letter order will update automatically to the traditional three-initial monogram when you select fonts Circle, Diamond, and Signet, so input your initials in First Middle Last order and let the personalization tool take care of letter order as you update your style selection. For all other fonts, you will need to adjust the order of the letters to achieve the traditional First Last Middle monogram, for example the name Mary Kate Smith would be entered MSK if a traditional monogram is desired. Please use the preview feature to check and confirm your personalization before placing your order.
Monogram Tip: To create a monogram for a two-part last name like von Bergen or O’Brien, use the first letter of the last name. Caylee Anne O’Brien is COA, while William Theo von Bergen’s monogram is WTV or WVT.

Consider nicknames when adding an embroidered name to a gift: Perhaps William goes by Bill or Liam, or James Charles prefers to use their middle name. Traditionally, the legal name is used in a monogram, but you can ask the recipient’s preference.
Choose Your Color
When choosing colors for your personalization, you can either select a contrasting or complementary embroidery color that will be visible against the material—for example, pairing navy blue with red or baby pink with white—or opt for a monochrome monogram by pairing white or ivory thread against a white background or coordinating two shades of the same color. Whether including monograms in decor, as an accent to clothing, or on accessories, the general rule is to keep it simple: Too much of a good thing can take away from the understated elegance of a monogram.

Preview Your Monogram
The final step is to check your monogram to ensure you like the color, style, and font. Our monogram creation tool automatically generates a preview of your personalization as you work.
You can also view an example of where your monogram will be placed: Click the arrows to toggle the preview image to check the placement location before you order. Monogram placement depends on the product that is being personalized, so check the preview to ensure your monogram will appear where you expect it. When you have created the monogram of your dreams, add your newly personalized product to your shopping cart so it’s ready when you’re done browsing.
Monograms help personalize your bedding, bath linens, home decor items, and gifts. Create custom items using these monogramming instructions, and explore our other Guides for more decor tips and tricks.
Get Inspired
Frequently Asked Questions
The price to personalize an item at The Company Store ranges from $12 to $32 depending on the style and the item selected. Prices are calculated at checkout.
Please allow an additional 5 to 7 business days for your order to be personalized. If there are multiple items in your order, they will ship together when the personalization is complete.
Monogrammed items are custom-made and cannot be returned.
Flat Sheet
Bottom center, above hem
Duvet Cover
Center in width, a little above center in height (may vary according to design)
Center, above the hem (on the open side)
Standard/King Sham
Center with large font
Euro Sham
Center with large font
Boudoir Pillow
Center with large font
Lumbar Pillow
Center with large font
Blanket & Throw
Right corner on a diagonal
LaCrosse Travel Throw + Pillow Set
Center of travel bag
Baby Playmat
Center with large font
Bottom center of towel above the dobby
Bath Mat
Bottom center
Shower Wrap
Bottom left corner, next to opening
Hooded Towel
Bottom right corner on a diagonal
Character Hooded Towel
Bottom right corner on a diagonal
Baby Hooded Towel
Front center of hood
Baby Washcloth
Bottom right corner on a diagonal
Cotton Terry Beach Towel
Bottom center
Flatweave Hammam Beach Towel
Bottom center
Hammam Cotton Beach Towel
Bottom center
Upper right (actual left) corner adjacent robe lapel
Women’s Family Flannel Pajamas
Front top pocket
Men’s Family Flannel Pajamas
Front top pocket
Kids’ Family Flannel Pajamas
Front top pocket
Women’s Family Flannel Shorts Set Pajamas
Upper right (actual left) corner of top
Women’s Family Flannel Nightshirt
Front top pocket
Girl’s Family Flannel Nightshirt
Front top pocket
Apparel Envelope Bag
Front center
Slipper Storage Bag
Front center
Home Decor
On the fold
Wine Bag
Front center
Gift Bag
Front center
Lounge Chair Cover
Top center
Pet Bed
Center of pillow
Center of pillow
Wearable Pet Towel
Bottom center
Family Flannel Dog Pajamas
Back center
Plush Pet Pajamas
Bottom center

Flat Sheet
Bottom center, above hem

Duvet Cover
Center in width, a little above center in height (may vary according to design)

Center, above the hem (on the open side)

Standard/King Sham
Center with large font

Euro Sham
Center with large font

Boudoir Pillow
Center with large font

Lumbar Pillow
Center with large font

Blanket & Throw
Right corner on a diagonal

LaCrosse Travel Throw + Pillow Set
Center of travel bag

Baby Playmat
Center with large font
Bottom center of towel above the dobby
Bath Mat
Bottom center
Shower Wrap
Bottom left corner, next to opening
Hooded Towel
Bottom right corner on a diagonal
Character Hooded Towel
Bottom right corner on a diagonal
Baby Hooded Towel
Front center of hood
Baby Washcloth
Bottom right corner on a diagonal
Cotton Terry Beach Towel
Bottom center
Flatweave Hammam Beach Towel
Bottom center
Hammam Cotton Beach Towel
Bottom center
Upper right (actual left) corner adjacent robe lapel
Women’s Family Flannel Pajamas
Front top pocket
Men’s Family Flannel Pajamas
Front top pocket
Kids’ Family Flannel Pajamas
Front top pocket
Women’s Family Flannel Shorts Set Pajamas
Upper right (actual left) corner of top
Women’s Family Flannel Nightshirt
Front top pocket
Girl’s Family Flannel Nightshirt
Front top pocket
Apparel Envelope Bag
Front center
Slipper Storage Bag
Front center
Home Decor
On the fold
Wine Bag
Front center
Gift Bag
Front center
Lounge Chair Cover
Top center
Pet Bed
Center of pillow
Center of pillow
Wearable Pet Towel
Bottom center
Family Flannel Dog Pajamas
Back center
Plush Pet Pajamas
Bottom center

Bottom center of towel above the dobby

Bath Mat
Bottom center

Shower Wrap
Bottom left corner, next to opening

Hooded Towel
Bottom right corner on a diagonal

Character Hooded Towel
Bottom right corner on a diagonal

Baby Hooded Towel
Front center of hood

Baby Washcloth
Bottom right corner on a diagonal

Cotton Terry Beach Towel
Bottom center

Flatweave Hammam Beach Towel
Bottom center

Hammam Cotton Beach Towel
Bottom center
Upper right (actual left) corner adjacent robe lapel
Women’s Family Flannel Pajamas
Front top pocket
Men’s Family Flannel Pajamas
Front top pocket
Kids’ Family Flannel Pajamas
Front top pocket
Women’s Family Flannel Shorts Set Pajamas
Upper right (actual left) corner of top
Women’s Family Flannel Nightshirt
Front top pocket
Girl’s Family Flannel Nightshirt
Front top pocket
Apparel Envelope Bag
Front center
Slipper Storage Bag
Front center
Home Decor
On the fold
Wine Bag
Front center
Gift Bag
Front center
Lounge Chair Cover
Top center
Pet Bed
Center of pillow
Center of pillow
Wearable Pet Towel
Bottom center
Family Flannel Dog Pajamas
Back center
Plush Pet Pajamas
Bottom center

Upper right (actual left) corner adjacent robe lapel

Women’s Family Flannel Pajamas
Front top pocket

Men’s Family Flannel Pajamas
Front top pocket

Kids’ Family Flannel Pajamas
Front top pocket

Women’s Family Flannel Shorts Set Pajamas
Upper right (actual left) corner of top

Women’s Family Flannel Nightshirt
Front top pocket

Girl’s Family Flannel Nightshirt
Front top pocket

Apparel Envelope Bag
Front center

Slipper Storage Bag
Front center
Home Decor
On the fold
Wine Bag
Front center
Gift Bag
Front center
Lounge Chair Cover
Top center
Pet Bed
Center of pillow
Center of pillow
Wearable Pet Towel
Bottom center
Family Flannel Dog Pajamas
Back center
Plush Pet Pajamas
Bottom center

On the fold

Wine Bag
Front center

Gift Bag
Front center

Lounge Chair Cover
Top center
Pet Bed
Center of pillow
Center of pillow
Wearable Pet Towel
Bottom center
Family Flannel Dog Pajamas
Back center
Plush Pet Pajamas
Bottom center

Pet Bed
Center of pillow

Center of pillow

Wearable Pet Towel
Bottom center

Family Flannel Dog Pajamas
Back center

Plush Pet Pajamas
Bottom center