How Often Should You Replace Bath Towels

As with bed linens, pillows, and PJs, bath towels last longer when they’re crafted of quality materials. While there are general recommendations for how long towels last before you need to replace them, there are exceptions to the rule. Read on to learn how long towels and bath linens last, how to tell if they need to be replaced, and some tricks for extending their lifespans. 

How Long Do Towels Last?

High-quality towels generally last about two to three years, depending on how often you use them and your bath linens laundering practices. It is recommended to wash towels after every three uses, but if you choose to wash your towels more often than that, they’re subjected to greater wear and tear in the washing machine, which may shorten their lifespan. Similarly, if your guest bath towels aren’t used often—and are laundered and stored properly—they may last well beyond two years. To determine if it’s time to get new towels, examine yours for clues rather than rely on the calendar. 

woman with blue towel

Top Signs It's Time to Get New Towels

When deciding if you should buy new towels, think about how often you use and wash them and examine the towels you have to look for regular wear and damage. Towels should be replaced long before holes or tears appear. Some common signs that show your towels are at the end of their life include: 

  • Fraying at the edges 
  • Discoloration 
  • Mildewy smell 
  • No longer absorbent 
  • Scratchy or stiff fibers 
  • Built-up residue won’t rinse away 

Lifespan of Other Bath Linens

Replacement schedules for bath linens depend on a few factors, including frequency of use and laundry schedule. Washcloths last about two to three years, while hand towels last longer—between three to five years. Bath mats and rugs often need to be replaced after about two years of use. As with towels, examine your bath linens for signs of damage or wear, and check for mildew and absorbency. 

Towel hanging with bath brush and bath oils

How to Make Towels Last Longer

Premium towels crafted of top-quality fibers last longer than lower-quality bath linens. Old towels may harbor musty smells and bacteria, but if you’re properly caring for your linens, you may be able to get a little extra life out of them. Always hang your towels to dry fully between uses and before tossing them in the laundry basket. This prevents mold and mildew build-up, so your towels look and smell fresher, longer. Similarly, when washing your towels, don’t overload the washer; your towels won’t get fully clean if there is too much in the washing machine drum. Swap your towels to the dryer right away, and ensure they’re fully dry—but avoid a high-heat setting, which can break down the fibers and cause damage, leading to faster wear. 

Image of colorful towels on a bath mat

To get the most out of your bath towels, wash them regularly, dry them thoroughly, and store them properly. When they show signs of wear or reduced absorbency—usually after about two years of use—it may be time to consider buying new high-quality towels to replace them. Explore our other Guides for more bathroom linen tips and tricks.